Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Confessions of a cookie cutter addict.

I have to admit to something.  Something only my closest friends know.  I'm a closet cookie cutter collector.  Seriously, it's an issue!  No REALLY!  I have hundreds and hundreds.  I used to surf eBay late at night for some special little cutter that i just had to have.   It's a sickness.  Whats worse is that I've probably only used a fraction of them.  This past week my son and i had the stomach flu.  After taking an entire week off from everything in my life, i finally felt up to baking something.  Easter sugar cookies seemed fitting.  So, i rolled and i baked and i frosted.  But most importantly i pulled out a cutter that i have never used.  It's a coveted copper cutter...i don't use them, i don't touch them, i JUST look at them.  They are too pretty to use.  OK, don't laugh, this was my first attempt at a Lamb.  No, it's not a poodle or a goat (that's what my kids thought).  Alright fine, you can laugh...i did :)

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